Message center

美 [ˈmesɪdʒ ˈsentər]英 [ˈmesɪdʒ ˈsentə(r)]
  • 信息中心;缩写词为MCtr, MCTR, MSGCEN, MC
Message centerMessage center
  1. Realization of Main Memory Database System and Application in Short Message Center


  2. Construction of the short message center for an electric power supply company


  3. This system also has the report form manufacture and the message center function .


  4. Message Center is a message application in an enterprise portal site .


  5. The Implementation of Telephone Short Message Center Based on CTI Middleware


  6. Meanwhile , your feedback and suggestions for Message center would be very much appreciated .


  7. What is the message center ?


  8. First of all , it introduces running environment , functions and key techniques of the Short Message Center .


  9. The Developement and Construction of Shanghai NGN Short Message Center international fixed public radio communication service


  10. The Short Message Center and application systems presented in this paper have been put into service in mobile communications network .


  11. To help you have a better idea of what the Message center is , here I 'd like to introduce more about it .


  12. This paper presents the design concept of an electric power supply company 's short message center ( SMC ) and its work mode , service functions and communication mechanism .


  13. The Short Message Center mainly includes : SM protocol module , Forward signal module , Main memory database module , SMPP module and so on .


  14. Besides a general introduction of Computer Telephone Integration ( CTI ) middleware , this paper mainly discusses the application of the CTI middleware short message center .


  15. Finally , the article has proposed building up the power plant information integration platform with BPM technology . This platform consists of power plant business process center , power data center and power message center .


  16. The platform is divided into 2 layers : the national node is treated as a message center and super node , and provincial node connect to the national node dynamically .


  17. Register with Webmaster Tools and check Message center , you 'll know if Google has notified you of this or any other problems while crawling your sites .


  18. In the third chapter , the business requirement and architecture design of Message Center will be introduced , including the considerations of the requirement and design , architecture and the main processing flow of the system .


  19. In this paper , after the research of the short message center , a transimission methed of the static digital image by the short message of the CDMA mobile cellular telecommunications system is presented .


  20. SM protocol module is the core of the Short Message Center . Finite State Machine , Client / Server , SOCKET are used in the design of this module , as well as multi threads .


  21. This business is to point to your friends in a point to point to send text messages , mobile phone short message center system will be in messages to return a status report form , that message to success .


  22. The functionality and interface in each system model will be mentioned in this chapter too . In the fourth chapter , the selection and implementation details of the key techniques in Message Center will be discussed , including data storage , rich client and message delivery .


  23. The Solution of University Multimedia Class Trouble Shooting System Based on Short Message Platform Center for Liaison between Teaching and Information Media


  24. The system is composed of three parts : Short note input subsystem , short note examination subsystem and short message service center .


  25. Regardless of the filter way of the short message service center or the handset terminal , all have some insufficiencies .


  26. After analyzing different Short Message Service Center ( SMSC ) interface protocols , a protocol manager was introduced to achieve multi protocol capability .


  27. Meanwhile , our Message Promotion Center will also unremittingly send messages about Art Fair Information to potential visitors in Pearl River Delta .


  28. Store-and-forward message switching center


  29. And specially , to short message service center ( SMSC ), this paper present a new workload-based resend policy of SMSC for workload adaptability .


  30. After that , this research establishes a pattern of the development of the government information publicity based on mobile media . The pattern includes mobile websites ; short message service center and the system of customer relationship management .
